Signs It May Be Time For A Paint Job On Your Car

Do you want to get your old beat up car a new paint job? Learn more about choosing the right type of paint and finishes.

Signs It May Be Time For A Paint Job On Your Car

Signs It May Be Time For A Paint Job On Your Car

22 July 2020
, Blog

Cars look at their best when they have shiny chrome, new tires, and a fantastic paint job. Here are some of the things that can start to happen to your car once the paint gets to the point where you should start to think about having a new paint job put on the car.

The paint will start to fade - One of the first things that you might notice once your car is at the point where you want to think about a new paint job is that the paint will start to fade. This can be only slightly noticeable at first. You will usually notice it happening in certain areas of the car as well. One area will be on the hood of the car. Other areas include the roof, the top of the trunk, and curved areas. These are the areas more exposed to the sun and wind, and they are the areas that are hit by the majority of small particles in the wind as the car drives down the road. 

The paint will start to peel - Your paint can also start to peel. You'll likely notice that a lot of the peeling will happen around curved areas as well. The actual paint on the car will have a layer of protective clear coat and this is what's going to peel either due to a poor paint job or after a lot of exposure to the sun, which is what eventually happens due to driving the car and leaving it parked outside. Damage to the surface, caused by scratches and dings, can also lead to the clear coat peeling.

The paint can have bubbles - If you see what looks like little bubbles in the paint, then they are actually bubbles that are under the clear coat, and this means that it is damaged. The bubbling is usually caused by oxidation under the clear coat and paint layers. The bubbling looks bad, but it will also lead to peeling. When you see this happening, it means a paint job is usually necessary. 

There are other reasons why you would need a paint job, too, such as when the car has been damaged or the paint has been scratched beyond what can be taken care of with buffing or even a touch-up paint job. The good news is once you have a new paint job put on your car, it will look great again.

To learn more, contact a resource like Downtown Garage & Auto Body.  

About Me
Choosing Beautiful Auto Body Paint

After I finally got a new job, I knew that I didn't want to keep driving my same old beat up car--at least not in the condition that it was in. Instead of junking it and shopping for a new ride, I started combing my area to find an auto body shop that was ready to take on a challenge. I was able to find a great place near my home that loved restoring older vehicles, and they were like a gift sent from heaven. They showed me a huge range of paint colors and finishes, and I ended up choosing a beautiful metallic cherry red. Check out this blog to find out how to choose beautiful auto body paint.
